
Changelog: May 15, 2024

Changelog: May 15, 2024

These past weeks, we focused on enhancing the user experience and adding minor features requested by our customers. This is a light release as we are working on releasing Alerts, our most requested feature.

Additionally, we will be releasing at least 4 or 5 other minor improvements to the Analytics section this week.

KPI Cards

We are introducing KPI cards to the Analytics section. These cards provide a quick snapshot of how things are going and allow you to compare it to previous periods.

Screenshot of KPI Cards

You can find the KPI cards in the Analytics section of any project.

Response Body

It is now possible to see the response body for any sendTransaction request with a preflight check error. This feature makes it easier to debug sendTransaction issues.

Screenshot of Response Body

To view the response body, click on Response Body in any failed sendTransaction request in the Logs section.


The billing section has been improved to provide a detailed overview of your usage and an estimate of your upcoming invoice. Additionally, you can now change your card details directly from the billing section.

Screenshot of Billing

Date Picker

Now you can select a date range in the Analytics and Logs sections. This enables you to view data for a custom period of time instead of the predefined date ranges.

Screenshot of Data Picker

UX Improvements

We also made UX improvements across the platform. Altought there are many to mention, here are some of the most important ones:

  • New refresh button for Analytics and Logs.
  • New Icon library.
  • Streamlined Sign In and Sign Up experience.
  • Improved sidebar.

What's next?

Looking ahead, we are working on releasing Alerts, a feature that is highly requested by our customers.

If you want to stay updated with our progress, you can follow us on Twitter